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Dear anax customers and anax partners,

We all drive on sight in times of the Covid 19 pandemic. Governments around the world regulate, we follow and look for new things.

What does that mean here?

1. We move forward, take care of your safety and are there for you. We deliver. We pay attention to the safety of our employees. We no longer travel, neither internationally nor nationally. Our supply chain is somewhat slower, sometimes in international exchange than before Corona, but overall it works excellently.

2. Keeping in touch is very important to us now. We phone and email on a daily basis and use the latest media to provide training and further education, the time is ideal for this. Carlos Baurier is on the road worldwide and always in Barcelona. Via Skype, teams or zoom he trains our partners and customers.

3. We are working on the support of healing professions. Our carbon 3D printer is ideal for printing protective shield tops. We do that and add a "crafting guide" for the shields and the rubber bands.

While the challenges are growing, you can rely on our support. We work together with you to emerge from this situation stronger than before.

Let us know if we can support you. In the meantime, we hope that you all stay healthy! And rest assured that anax dent is here for you.

Yours truly, Andreas Kopietz